Sök Karriärstipendiet - 15 000 kr att lägga på dina studier och framtida karriär. Till ansökan!


MotivationCoromatic är en arbetsgivare som utmärker sig genom sitt engagemang och fokus på att säkerställa kontinuiteten i samhällets kritiska funktioner. Här ges medarbetare möjligheten att vara en del av ett dedikerat och kompetent team som arbetar tillsammans för att säkerställa att samhällets hjärta fortsätter att slå. Med fokus på en stark företagskultur garanterar Coromatic en givande arbetsplats där man kan växa.

Organisationens karriärsidor; information, kvalitet och dynamik
Attraktivitet som arbetsgivare i externa mätningar
Aktiviteter gentemot studenter och yrkesverksamma akademiker
Sociala medier
Närvaro och kvalitet i sociala och digitala medier

Coromatic keeps your business operations running without disruptions

Coromatic secure availability of power and data communications for mission- critical functions. We are here 24/7 for our customers to ensure high availability and productivity in facilities, to save lives by securing operations without disruptions and to protect the environment by optimizing energy consumption.

A place to join!

Our passion drives us to always find the optimal solution for our customers. We go that extra mile every day to fulfill our customers’ needs.

Would you like to join us on our exiting journey and have a career that matters?

Coromatic secures availability of power and data communications for mission-critical functions. We are here 24/7 for our customers to ensure high availability and productivity in facilities, to save lives by securing operations without disruptions and to protect the environment by optimizing energy consumption.

Great People

We are a strong team. Great results are created in an environment where all individual efforts are valued. We support, care and believe the best in each other.

Technical Edge

We enable you to specialize in your field. Unfold your technical abilities with deep expertise and niche technologies. Technical challenges drive our learning every day.

Empower Yourself

We are creating our own future. There are no limitations to what we can achieve and we aim to make a difference. We always strive to reach our full potential.

A Career that Matters

We secure business as usual. We provide power and data communication to more than 5000 companies. Our mission is to help our customers secure mission critical operations 24/7.

Följ Coromatic i sociala medier


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