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EpirocIndustri & Produktion

MotivationEpiroc är en arbetsgivare som utmärker sig genom sitt starka engagemang för att erbjuda sina medarbetare en trivsam och utmanande arbetsmiljö. Med fokus på innovation och teknik skapar de en spännande plattform för sina anställda att växa och utvecklas. Epiroc värdesätter samarbete och strävar efter att vara en förebild i branschen när det gäller teknologisk utveckling och arbetsmiljö.

Organisationens karriärsidor; information, kvalitet och dynamik
Attraktivitet som arbetsgivare i externa mätningar
Aktiviteter gentemot studenter och yrkesverksamma akademiker
Sociala medier
Närvaro och kvalitet i sociala och digitala medier

The world needs metals and minerals for the energy transition and we need cities that can cope with a growing population in a sustainable way. To succeed we need to speed up the shift towards a more sustainable mining and construction industry. We at Epiroc accelerate this transformation.

We are a vital part of a sustainable society and a global productivity partner for mining and infrastructure customers. With cutting-edge technology, we develop and provide innovative and safe equipment such as drilling rigs, mining, and construction equipment, as well as tools for surface and underground applications. We also offer top-notch service and other aftermarket support, along with solutions for automation, digitalization, and electrification.

It all starts with people

Most people say it’s 3 things transforming our industry, electrification, digitalization and automation. But we say its four. It all starts with people, people like you. Our vision, ”Dare to think new”, is a clear guide to what we want to achieve and shows we are not satisfied with following others.

Today, we are almost 20,000 employees who collectively strive to assist our customers in over 150 countries, increasing productivity, reducing operating costs, and achieving sustainability through our extensive range of products and services.

Innovation is an essential part of our DNA and we strongly believe that New ideas come from people who see opportunities instead of obstacles. Those who dare to think new, are not afraid to fail, and constantly find ways to improve things. Are you also a “New thinker” and curious how you can be part of accelerating the transformation with us? 

Följ Epiroc i sociala medier


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