Sök Karriärstipendiet - 15 000 kr att lägga på dina studier och framtida karriär. Till ansökan!

QuickeIndustri & Produktion

MotivationQuicke, utmärker sig som en ledande arbetsgivare som har förädlat jordbrukssektorn i över 70 år. Genom kontinuerlig innovation och framåtanda har de byggt en företagskultur som lyfter fram sina medarbetare och erbjuder en kreativ arbetsmiljö med stor frihet under ansvar. På Quicke är det inte bara omväxlande arbetsuppgifter och teknisk utveckling i framkant som lockar, det är även en stark gemenskap som gör företaget till en attraktiv arbetsgivare där alla tillsammans bidrar till att utveckla framtidens jordbruk.

Organisationens karriärsidor; information, kvalitet och dynamik
Attraktivitet som arbetsgivare i externa mätningar
Aktiviteter gentemot studenter och yrkesverksamma akademiker
Sociala medier
Närvaro och kvalitet i sociala och digitala medier

Your Local and Global Workplace

From 2020 we have entered into a new phase as part of JOST, a world-leading producer and supplier of safety-critical systems for tractors and trailers. QUICKE together with the brand ROCKINGER form the base for the Agriculture business line within JOST. Both brands have a global presence and the strategy for the business line Agriculture is significant growth.

At Quicke we are known for our innovative spirit. Our brand Quicke stands for high quality products and continuous development to be the customer’s first choice. Our strong market position with a wide variety of challenging positions allows you to build your career in an exciting environment with daily international contacts. Do you want to play an important part in our journey to develop Agriculture even more? Do you want to work locally and globally – join the Quicke Team!


Working for the Quicke team means being part of a forward-thinking and ambitious culture where our customers’ needs always are in focus. We take pride in working together to support our customers in the best way. We believe that our common goals will be reached when everyone is involved and wants to take responsibility for the business.

Working for us is rewarding also on a personal level. We understand that work is important, but not everything – therefore we support our people in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Our culture and values form the foundation of our success. Meet our people to find out more about our way of working.



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