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MotivationSectra utmärker sig som arbetsgivare genom sitt fokus på innovation och samhällsnytta. Med en stark företagskultur som sätter kunden i fokus och bygger engagemang, skapar Sectra en inspirerande arbetsmiljö där medarbetare trivs, känner att de gör något meningsfullt och får möjlighet att utvecklas som individer. Medarbetarnas kunskapsmässiga och personliga utveckling är viktig och prioriteras därför högt genom olika initiativ, såsom utbildning, intern rotation, utlandsmöjligheter och karriärmöjligheter inom både ledarskap och chefspositioner samt expertroller. Sectras fokus på individens engagemang som verktyg för att skapa kundvärde gör dem till ett självklart Karriärföretag 2025.

Organisationens karriärsidor; information, kvalitet och dynamik
Attraktivitet som arbetsgivare i externa mätningar
Aktiviteter gentemot studenter och yrkesverksamma akademiker
Sociala medier
Närvaro och kvalitet i sociala och digitala medier

Sectra is knowledge and passion

What sets Sectra apart is our employees—highly skilled individuals who are more than happy to share their experience and are prepared to walk that extra mile to solve customers’ problems. This unique “Sectra spirit” is built on a strong corporate culture. Combined with innovation and technological excellence, it forms the basis for Sectra’s success.

Get to know our culture 

Job opportunities

Among its customers, Sectra is known for its knowledge and customer-centric attitude. As we continue to grow, so is our need for driven and talented people who share our values. We offer interesting and challenging opportunities within all different areas of our organization, including product development, customer operations, research, finance, marketing and sales, HR and people, administration etc.

View all job opportunities 

We hire for attitude & ability, train for skill

At Sectra we hire for attitude and ability, train for skill. Who you are, your passion and drive, and your ability to learn new things fast, are more important than your past experience. We believe in hiring talented individuals and at Sectra you will meet some of the most competent people in the industry, some that are perhaps even smarter than you – people you can respect and learn from.

Learning & development at Sectra 

Student opportunities

Joining Sectra as a student means investing in yourself and taking a step towards designing your future. We appreciate the new ideas, perspectives and energy that young talent can bring to our organization. Therefore, we welcome students to join us part-time, spend their summer or write their master thesis with us. While working at Sectra as a student, you will have the opportunity to work with cutting edge technology, learn about our culture and feel what it is like to be a member of our team. Our vision of a healthier and safer society is driven forward by our knowledge and passion and we want to share and spread that with you – the young talent of tomorrow!

Student opportunities

Working at Sectra

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