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Volvo CarsIndustri & Produktion

MotivationVolvo Cars arbetar mycket framgångsrikt med sitt Employer Branding arbete. De utmärker sig genom globala karriärmöjligheter och en innovativ och kreativ arbetsmiljö som innebär att människor växer. Härmed utses Volvo Cars till ett av Sveriges karriärföretag 2020.

Organisationens karriärsidor; information, kvalitet och dynamik
Attraktivitet som arbetsgivare i externa mätningar
Aktiviteter gentemot studenter och yrkesverksamma akademiker
Sociala medier
Närvaro och kvalitet i sociala och digitala medier

We are looking for talent

Join one of the world’s most attractive companies to work for. At Volvo Cars we are creating the next generation of safety, autonomous driving and electrification technologies.

A career designed around you

Share our passion for customers and cars. Share our desire to make life less complicated for people. Join Volvo Cars.

A company with a strong purpose

Our people are creating the next generation of premium cars for customers that value innovative ways to move and connect. We are guided by a vision that by 2020 no one should be killed or seriously injured by a new Volvo and are preparing to put 1 million electrified vehicles on the roads by 2025.’
We are proud of our spirit, our products and our commitments.

Our business ambitions

We’re ambitious. We aim to continue leading the global automotive industry in safety technology, electrification and autonomous drive and we continually challenge ourselves.

By the middle of the next decade, we expect to generate half of all sales annually from fully electric cars, one third of all cars sold to be autonomous driving cars, and half of all car sales to come through our subscription service.

We want to talk more with our customers, so we’re aiming for more than five million direct consumer relationships by the middle of the next decade, creating new sources of recurring revenue. And we’re aiming to do all this while generating premium-level profitability, driven by increased revenue across all three global sales regions and a broader range of cars, services and customers.

Our competence

Thanks to our deep understanding of customer needs we operate a successful global business. Our diverse workforce has a unique ability to develop mobility solutions: products and services that make lives less complicated for people. We have pioneered digitalisation and connectivity, using virtual tools, best-in-class software development and smart communication solutions

Our culture

Volvo Cars’ proud history of automotive innovations is the result of a collaborative, diverse and inclusive working environment. What we all have in common at Volvo Cars is our passion for protecting lives and our endless curiosity. Our vibrant culture is not abstract or imaginary. It comes down to very real and visible behaviours: sharing knowledge from areas of expertise, giving – and asking for – feedback, along with a personal responsibility for our own learning and development.

Our leadership

For us, leadership is about inspiring and supporting people. We believe in leading by example, with a management culture based on transparency, fairness and consultation. The right leadership brings out the best in our employees, and enables them to face every challenge with confidence.

Join Volvo Cars.

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