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Spontaneous Job Application

Are you interested in getting the opportunity to work with us?
We are always on the lookout for great talents so don’t hesitate to send in your resume or to connect with us. Don’t wait for the perfect position to be published, be the first to let us know that we should reach out to you. The more we get to know about you, your profile and ambitions, the easier we can find a position where your ambitions can come true. 

Are you interested in learning more about us? Then continue to read...

About us  
We are a value-based company with a strong and enthusiastic leadership team. At Extenda Retail we give space for creativity, so your curiosity can be explored. We stand for innovation as we create products that simplify your everyday life through a frictionless shopping experience. Working at Extenda Retail means shaping the future of the retail landscape. We are global in both our mind set and operations as we nurture a culture that is driven by innovation and curiosity. At Extenda Retail we help each other to succeed through communication and knowledge sharing. 

Welcome to Extenda Retail, a company of high competence, great colleagues and an ambitious and inspiring leadership!

We offer
Joining Extenda Retail gives you the opportunity not only to develop yourself professionally  but also to shape something great together with us on the exciting future that lies before us.  

We believe in team spirit and partnership where everyone's contribution sets the foundation of a great culture and part of our mission is to grow talents. With an instinct for innovation we have a firm belief that diversity is a key for creativity as well as a factor of success as we provide you with an unique opportunity to develop in a rapidly changing retail landscape. 

Some of the technologies we work with:

  • Java 
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Docker
  • TDD
  • Javascript
  • Maven 
  • Git
  • Jenkins
  • Vue.js

And many more...

If this excites you, then please submit your resume and we will be in touch with you when there is a position that matches your qualifications with our needs. 

Ansök härAnsök här - Chevron
Ansök härAnsök här - Chevron Extenda Retail Logo
PlatsStockholm, Göteborg, Oslo, Tønsberg, Waardenburg, östersundArbetsgivareExtenda RetailBranschKonsult Sista ansökningsdag Se alla jobbSe alla jobb - Chevron


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