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Trelleborg Graduate Program

Ingenjör|Trelleborg AB

Om programmet

Your first job after university should offer a clear career path and carefully thought-out training programs to help you excel and develop.

Trelleborg’s Graduate Program is one of the most effective offered by international manufacturers and consists of five one-week modules, spread over 14 months. The program is designed for graduates and provides the skills required to become managers at Trelleborg.

The program combines online training with face-to-face sessions. Bringing together employees from around the world enables them to experience different cultures and backgrounds, while also gaining a greater understanding of the various divisions and businesses within the group.


Trelleborg International Management Program

The way our leaders lead themselves and others is more important than ever. This is the focus of the Trelleborg International Leadership Program, which has its foundations in Trelleborg’s coaching and feedback-based leadership style.

Trelleborg Graduate Program

Your first job after university should offer a clear career path and carefully thought-out training programs to help you excel and develop. The program is designed for graduates and provides the skills required to become managers at Trelleborg.

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