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Husqvarna – Global Pioneer Program

Finans/Ekonomi/Juridik|Ingenjör|IT|IT/Teknik/Konsult|Husqvarna Group

Om programmet

During 18 months you can expect both a personal and professional journey. What unites all pioneers at Husqvarna Group is our curious and can-do mindset. Is that you? Then we are looking for you to join our Global Pioneer Program.

Within the program you will broaden your individual skills and deepen your knowledge within leadership, innovation, and project management. Your professional and personal growth is our goal in order to shape the future together. And we will of course prepare you in the best way possible for you to succeed in your target position.

Our main criteria is your ability to explore new possibilities and innovations with curiosity and a can-do attitude. We are looking for team players who can drive our constantly changing business with a flexible and open mind set. A bachelor degree is required, less than three years of working experience and great English skills.

Open positions

Keep your eyes open, soon it’s time for our next Global Pioneer Program. We plan to initiate the application period in the latter part of 2024. In the meantime, follow us on Husqvarna Group LinkedIn to get the latest company updates and career opportunities. Let’s keep in touch!

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Ansökan öppnades:01-01-2025Sista ansökningsdag16-05-2025PlatsPeriod

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