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LKAB – trainee program


Om programmet

We are currently reviewing our trainee program, and expect to start the next one in 2026, at the earliest. In the mean time, you are welcome to apply to our open positions.


Get a head start as a trainee

Do you want to make the best possible transition from study to working life and get an early boost in your career? Our trainee program is mostly aimed at newly graduated engineers from colleges or universities.

The program blends training with internships, both in your future workplace and in our main areas of mining, refining, logistics, sales and business planning, and special products. As a trainee, you will gain a solid insight into our operations, processes and how all the parts of LKAB work together. We believe in you and your capacity, and you can help influencing the design of the program – and get a unique start to your future career at LKAB.

The trainee program lasts for nine months and alternates training with internships both at your future workplace and in our main areas, such as mining, logistics and special products. During the training, you get insight into our activities, processes and how all parts interact.

We believe in you and your capacity. With us, you get a unique start to your future career.

Do you have questions about the program?

Contact Madeleine Björkman, madeleine.bjorkman@lkab.com

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Ansökan öppnades:Information kommerSista ansökningsdagInformation kommerPlatsLuleåPeriod2025

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