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Tele2 Executive Trainee Program


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We are looking for exceptionally motivated candidates with a winning mindset who we can rely on for our Executive Trainee Program 2024/2025!

At Tele2 we place our trainees where they belong – at the top. To succeed in the program, you need to think fast, move quickly, bring your challenger mindset, and take bold initiatives. We look for prestigeless individuals who deliver on their promises in a collaborative way and work insight-driven, focusing on things that bring value. Our purpose is to enable a society with unlimited possibilities, and we want to become the leading Telco. We strive for circular economy, innovation, superior customer experiences, diversity and to protect children online. And we want you with us on our journey.


As a trainee, you will participate in our one-year program, based at the Tele2 headquarters in Stockholm. There, you’ll work closely with – and be mentored by – a top Tele2 executive and their leadership team. You will become one of the closest colleagues to the Executive and this will give you a great opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the continuously evolving telco industry. During your year as a trainee, you will be compensated with a full-time salary, and have the opportunity to get to know different parts of our organization to discover your new role at Tele2 when the program is over.


As a trainee you will support your executive and their respective leadership team in several projects and ventures, you are also expected to assume ownership of the tasks delegated to you. These can involve complex business cases and projects that will impact the business going forward as well as daily work tasks, all to create a foundation from which you as a trainee can evolve and get a head start in your professional career.

The job will be challenging, but you will be surrounded by enthusiastic colleagues who are eager to support you. The team spirit is strong, and you will not be alone. It’s a year filled with hard work, networking and laughter, where you will find your place in the organization.


In this Trainee Program, we are searching for five committed trainees to occupy the roles of B2B Trainee, B2C Trainee, CEO Trainee, CFO Trainee and CTIO Trainee. To excel in any of these positions, we believe you have some of the following requirements:


• Proven academic excellence with documented academic degree


• Preferably a Master’s Degree in Business, Finance, and/or Engineering
• International experience, e.g. exchange semesters
• Experience from relevant extracurricular activities such as student associations
• Professional experience, e.g. internships or a current employment
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English


“I will work closely with Stefan Trampus, EVP B2B, and be involved in many exciting projects in B2B. Among other things, arrange our B2B all hands, prepare our management team meetings and meet our customers. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn from managers at the highest level of the business in the beginning of your career.”


• Send in your application: 1 November – 31 December (sooner rather than later)
• Logic and personality test and CV Screening: 1 November – 7 January
• Digital Group case: 14 November – 12 January
• Assessment days: 10 January (on site), 16 January (on site) and 18 January (digital)
• Executive interviews: January and February
• References and background check: January and February


Are you up for the challenge? Great, because the application period is currently open until 31 December! Selection, tests and group cases are conducted continuously, therefore we encourage you to submit your application sooner rather than later.

We value a culture where all forms of diversity are represented. Simply put, an inclusive company in a diverse world. Therefore, we are happy to see applicants of all genders and ethnicities.

We look forward to meeting you!

Read more about our current Trainees and their positions here:https://www.tele2.com/join-us/talent-programs/executive-trainee-program/

Do you have general questions about Tele2’s Executive Trainee Program? Please contact us on tele2executivetraineeprogram2024@tele2.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note that in compliance with personal data management regulations (GDPR), we are unable to accept CVs via email.

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