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Volvo Digital & IT graduate program

IT|Volvo Group

Om programmet

Digital & IT Talent Programs

Digital solutions are becoming more and more key in the industries, where the Volvo Group is operating. The Digital & IT solutions and emerging technologies, provided by Volvo Group, enable our customers and their customers to do more with less, better for others and best for the future.

In Volvo Group, we are about 5,000 colleagues working with Digital & IT, located in more than 30 countries. Do you want to join? If so, our talent programs will give you a great foundation for your future career. Here, you will get to work together with some of the brightest and most creative people in the Information Technology field.

Digital Impact – for a sustainable future. A Digital & IT talent program for Volvo Group in Sweden.

Do you want to kick-start your career at a global company and be a part of a Talent Program designed for your personal development? This is your chance! We are recruiting 23 digital talents for the Swedish talent program. Be a part of this journey and make a digital impact for a sustainable future

The Program starts by the end of August 2023 and spans over one year in Gothenburg. We are working together with Framtiden  to find  highly motivated digital talents to the program. Find out more about the program and how to apply here.

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Ansökan öppnades:30-09-2023Sista ansökningsdag31-12-2023PlatsSverigePeriod12 månader

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